About Indian Ringnecks
3 days ago by Jane Doe
The Indian Ring-necked Parakeet (Psittacula krameri manillensis), most commonly referred to today as just Indian Ringneck or Ringneck, is sometimes referred to as the Rose-ringed Parakeet, no doubt due to the rose ring of the mature male Ring-necked Parakeet, or Noble Parakeet. These birds may be found in the wild across northern Africa, in Asia from western Pakistan through India to Burma and in parts of Europe. They have been around a long time, in ancient Rome and in India, where they were considered sacred because of their ability to mimic the human voice just like casino en ligne.
While royalty embraced these beautiful birds for centuries, they were kept by commoners as well. The original Ringneck was the beautiful "parrot green" with his rose and white ring set off by his black bib or what we call his "tuxedo." The colorful mutations began to show up in the 1920's. First came the Lutino and then the Blue. Although the blue mutation was one of the first developed, and although we have many, many new and amazing mutations, we, at The Beak, still find the blue to be the most popular pet color.
And from these three colors, somehow it seems we have continued to create new mutations. From the handsome Grey and soft Silver, the fallow and cinnamon mutations of the solid colors, the beautiful Turquoise and, of course, the Violet and Cobalt mutations – as if it were possible to make the Blue more beautiful, it has now been done, visit casino francais en ligne to make extra money. Then the Pieds and the Lacewings, each of these in multiple colors. Next comes the clear heads and the clear tails, also in the multiples of color like casino en ligne.
Obviously the Indian Ringneck is the breeders' dream bird, always creating a sense of intrigue and anticipation. This same concept became the Ringneck's plight as well. Breeder after breeder produced more and more Ringnecks until the pyramid became very broad at the bottom and you needed to move with the newest color to stay in the game.
What we didn't see, however, was this wonderful parrot in homes as companion birds. We have over the years run across several folks that had had a Ringneck many years ago, but even today the average person doesn't know what an Indian Ringneck is. Compared to the Macaws, Amazons and Cockatoos, the Ringneck is, indeed, a newcomer see cliquez ici. Seeing this wonderful, intelligent parrot make its way into the companion world of birds became the goal of The Beak when we began raising the Ringnecks eleven years ago.Please enjoy our site and the mutation pictures and most of all, contact us to ask questions or learn more about the Indian Ringneck.

Because breeding the Indian Ringneck with all its color mutations for companion birds puts us in a different position than breeding, for instance, Severe Macaws, who are all one color and we know when the egg is laid what it will be when it hatches, we would like to explain about the arrival of baby Ringnecks and how it is different from other parrots.
Our Ringneck pairs begin nesting the end of February - first of March. Eggs are laid and the chicks hatch in 26 days. We pull the babies at ten days, just before their eyes open so they will imprint on us rather than their own Mom. It takes two and a half months for a Ringneck baby to wean and be comfortably eating on its own. So, although our breeding season begins in March, we won't have the first babies ready for homes until mid-May. Some years our pairs will all lay at the same time, some years they are more staggered. Sometimes a pair takes the year off and sometimes we get infertile eggs. We have the potential to have all the color mutations we picture on our website (all the pictures are pictures of our birds), but we don't have all those colors all the time or all at one time. First we will have some violets, then some lacewings, then some blue and so on. The babies will begin to show some color after about four weeks and then it is another two weeks until they are old enough to take a blood sample to determine what sex they will be. So it definitely requires some patience for our customers to get exactly the color and the sex they would like. We hope this is helpful in explaining a little bit about the mechanics of breeding and why there is such a long wait for the perfect baby.